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Aktuelle Karikaturen

Zumwinkel, Steuerhinterziehung, Prozess, Landgericht Bochum, Wolfgang Mittrup, Richter, Bewaehrungsstrafe,, Deutsche Post

  •  Wirtschafts-Karikatur "Wiedenroths Vorbörse" vom 26. Januar 2009
  •  zum Thema: Bewährung für Zumwinkel: hilfreich verjährende Prozessvorbereitungzeit
  •  Bildunterschrift: "24.000 Euro Geldstrafe und dings, äh, drei Monate bedingt!"
  • English description: Former CEO of german mail service company Deutsche Post AG Klaus Zumwinkel confessed having perpetrated tax evasion. The tax amount he didn't pay was less than a million EUR. It was for this fact that he got a suspended jail sentence besides a fine of one million EUR. If it had been a million or more of tax evasion, an imprisonment allegedly would have been compulsory. Fortunately there was one year between the discovery of his offense and the beginning of his trial. Thus the prison-decisive sum of evaded taxpaying came under statute of limitations. On signs: Tax evasion still apart from statute of limitations. Balloon: The preparations for trial are completed now. A punishment suspended meanwhile can be expected. -- Caption: One year of disquietude in Zumwinkel's life.
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