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  Aktuelle Karikaturen  
Kapitalismus, Wirtschaftsordnung, Union; SPD; Koalition; Angela Merkel, Bundeskanzlerin, Bundesregierung, Peter Struck, Volker Kauder, Konjunkturpaket, zweites, Holzspaene, Brosamen, Milliarden, Entlastung, Finanzkrise, Konsum, Geldkreislauf, Finanzpolitik, Neuverschuldung
  •  Wirtschafts-Karikatur "Wiedenroths Vorbörse" vom 13. Januar 2009

  •  zum Thema: Eine handlungsfähige Koalition, ein Konjunkturmogelpaket und das Floskeldreschen vom guten Tag für Deutschland

  •  Bildunterschrift: Eine Kiste Kleinteiliges
  • English description: German federal government after endless internal quarrels presents a second package of measurements designed to revitalize the german economy. Among other issues a lowering of taxes is planned, that will deliver to each taxpayer by average a surplus of some 10, 20 EUR per month. The loudness of rejoicing the coalition agreement by government representatives is inversely proportional to the presumable effects of this. Balloons: Lots of chipped wood - were are the contents? -- Merkel says: the chipped wood is the content, and precisely one chip is for you! On box: relief of tax load by billions -- economic recovery plan number two. Caption: a chest a with small-part collection.

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