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Aktuelle Karikaturen

Winfried Hassemer, Spiegel, Interview, Ehrenmord, Ehrenverbrechen, Schandmord, Islam, Verbotsirrtum, entschuldigendes Element, menschenfreundlich, modern, Straffreiheit, Strafmilderung, Vizepraesident, Bundesverfassungsgericht, a.D.

  •  Politik-Karikatur vom 18. Mai 2009
  •  zum Thema: Verbotsirrtum: Hassemer-Einlassungen zur Bewertung von Ehrenmord- Schandverbrechen.
  •  Bildunterschrift: Trost und Zuspruch vom Rote-Roben-Seelsorger
  • English description: Former vice president of german Federal Constitutional Court, Winfried Hassemer, utters in an interview his opinion that honour killings committed by immigrants should possibly be evaluated as an error as to the prohibited nature of an act. Following german law the honor killer could expect exemption or mitigation from punishment in this case. In green balloon: Honour insulted!! -- Spoken text Hassemer, in his red official attire of judges at Federal Constitutional Court: Don't worry, Ma'am, your ex-husband, brother-in-law, brother, uncle, husband, fellow citizen (delete as applicable) is just committing an error as to the prohibited nature of an act. Acccordingly, there is an apologizing element and he can expect exemption or mitigation from punishment. That's modern and philantropic. Caption: Solace and encouragement by red-robe-minister.
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