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Aktuelle Karikaturen

Angela Merkel, Bundeskanzlerin, Papst, Vatikan, Benedikt, Williamson, Pius, Bruderschaft, Rehabilitierung, Leugnung, Kampagne, Antisemitismus, Antizionismus, Israel, Gaza, Demonstrationen, Hassparolen, Judenvernichtung, Hitler, Allah

  •  Politik-Karikatur vom 05. Februar 2009
  •  zum Thema: Der Vatikan und die Holocaust-Akte: Papst kassiert Zurechtweisung durch Kirchenexpertin im Kanzlerrang
  •  Bildunterschrift: Scheinwerferbesonntes Kehren vor der fernen Haustür.
  • English description: Caption: Case of holocaust-denying bishop of re-integrated Pius-brotherhood, Richard Williamson. Federal chancellor Angela Merkel calling pope Benedict: It won't work that way at all, Ratzinger! With regard to holocaust you are expected to clean up your shop finally, got it? -- In the background demonstrators shouting slogans that actually were witnessed during pro-arabic rallies against Israel around the world: death to jews, jews into the gas, Allah bless Hitler! The same tenor can be read in all Hamas- and Hisbollah-publications, organizations that of course deny holocaust and send envoys to political talks in Europe. With no public outrage. -- Caption: floodlight-irradiated minding of far person's business.
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