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Migrantengewalt. Rassismus gegen Deutsche, no go areas. Gewalt, Richter, Manfred Goetzl, Urteil, Notwehrueberschreitung, Notwehrexzess, Sven G., Gefaengnis, Strafe, Messer, Stich, Pruegel, Ueberfall, Serben, Nationalitaet, Angst, Verwirrung. Gericht, Muenchen
  •  Politik-Karikatur vom 09. Januar 2009

  •  zum Thema: München: 3 Jahre Gefängnis für einen Angeklagten ohne Migrantenbonus wegen Notwehrüberschreitung

  •  Bildunterschrift: Richter Götzl, der Sven G. wegen Notwehrüberschreitung für 3 Jahre und neun Monate ins Gefängnis geschickt hat, macht in vergleichbarer Situation alles richtig.
  • English description: A 30-year-old man was underway in Munich with a friend when both encountered a group of five men with serbian origin. The latter group attacked the two, the friend was violently beaten down. As the offenders were about to attack the 30 year-old too, he drew a little knife in his fear and stabbed one of the attackers into his neck. Today the 30 year-old, Sven G., was sentenced by a court in Munich to three years nine months unsuspended. The judge decided that the accused committed attempted manslaughter and that he overreacted in his need of self-defense, acted beyond acceptance. German criminal law lets an offender unpunished if he acts in a so-called intense excess of self-defense. Preconditional for this is an increased measure of angst, simple fear is not sufficient. The court was not prepared to acknowledge an increased measure of angst, though the accused affirmed that he felt panic-like fear. Caption: Judge Goetzl who sent Sven G. into prison for three years and nine months because of excess in self-defense, performs accurately in a comparable situation. Balloon: Gentlemen, I indicate that my simple fear starts turning into increased angst. Would you mind to pause for a moment so that I can reflect upon law-adequate self-defense measurements?? UPDATE: The serbian origin of the offenders is disputed. Some sources say that Mergim S. (17), the main attacker, has got a typical albanian forename, therefore probably is not of serbian but albanian origin.

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