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Hessen, SPD, Spitzenkandidat, Neuwahl, Wahlen, Schäfer-Gümbel, Ypsilanti, Sänfte, Wortbruch, Gipsbein, Parteivorsitz, Fraktionsvorsitz, Machen Sie das, Gesichtsverlust, suchen, tragen, Last, spongebob, patrick, Schwammkopf
  •  Politik-Karikatur vom 10. November 2008

  •  zum Thema: SPD-Spitzenkandidat 2009: Ypsilanti findet einen Watschenmann

  •  Bildunterschrift: "Spitzenkandidat? Ich?? Klasseklasseklasse!"
  • English description: After failing to form a left majority social democrat leader in Hesse, Andrea Ypsilanti, refuses to be top candidate for new elections in 2009 though she wants to keep her top jobs in party and fraction. It is expected that social democrat party SPD will receive a dramatic defeat because of Ypsilanti's deceiving politics during the last months. Balloon of Ypsilanti, sitting in sedan: Just do it , Schaefer-Guembel. I must look for my face in here. On plaster: Break of promise. On sedan: Chairwoman of party and fraction in Hesse. On chair with thorns: Top candidate SPD 2009. Caption: Top candidate? Me?? Supersupersuper!!

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