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Aktuelle Karikaturen

Bietmann, Mueller, Korruption; Koeln, Sparkasse Koeln-Bonn, Beratervertrag, Gegenleistung, Gefaelligkeit, Projekt, Beraterhonorar

  •  Wirtschafts-Karikatur "Wiedenroths Vorbörse" vom 03. Februar 2009
  •  zum Thema: Kölner Politiker-Korruptionsfälle Bietmann und Müller
  •  Bildunterschrift: Und ewig lockt das Beraterhonorar
  • English description: Two politicians in german town Koeln saw themselves forced to resign from their posts when it became public that they received royalties for dubious consultancy contracts with publicly owned bank Sparkasse Koeln-Bonn. Balloons in order first row left to right, then second row: Good morning -- Hello Mr Mueller-Bietmann, we haven't seen you for long -- It was not okay, if I received my consultancy royalties just for doing nothing -- thus water here once in a month, please -- thank you for your consultancy, please keep your political sympathy for us -- It's right, at Sparkasse I am in charge for a project that matters for growth. Caption: And always the consultancy royalty lures.
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