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  Aktuelle Karikaturen  
Notarzt, Notar, Patientenverfügng, Organspendeausweis, Einwilligung, Widerspruchslösung, Gewebetransplantation, Handelsware, technischer Fortschritt, Technologie, Fleisch, Rainer Erler, Film, Regisseur, Tabus, Religion, Nationaler Ethikrat, Selbstbestimmungsrecht, Grundgesetz, Organspende, Gewebespende. Angehörigenmenagement, Einwilligung, Autopsie, Gewebegesetz, Patientendaten, Gewebeentnahme
  •  Wirtschafts-Karikatur "Wiedenroths Vorbörse" vom 19. November 2008

  •  zum Thema: Der menschliche Körper wird zum geldwerten Gewebe-Wertstoffträger

  •  Bildunterschrift: "Bitte mit ihrem Fingerabdruck Patientenverfügung und Organspende-Einwilligung signieren!"
  • English description: Technological progress extends possibilities in using human tissue for many medical issues. Thus the human body becomes a source of raw material that is worth a numerable amount of money and that specialized transplantation companies are very keen on. At the same time judicial issues of patient's decree are discussed in parliament. Patients shall have the right to rule that they will not be kept alive by technological means in hospital when expectably being in state of heavy suffering or unconsciousness for long-term. Another issue is patient's declaration that he is prepared to donate his organs provided he dies and his organs are still suitable for being transplanted. Greed for worthy tissue could take influence on how life-saving is practiced in future. Texts in caricature: Cost-curbing-suitcase (with red cross), on van in background: Tissuetransplant Inc., on car right side: emergency doctor (Notarzt in German. If the last two letters of this word are left out, it becomes Notar. That is notary in English, which describes quite well the action of that depicted doctor.) Caption: Please sign with your fingerprint the patient's decree and the organ donor agreement.

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Götz Wiedenroth • Mühlenstraße 28 • 24937 Flensburg • Telefon: 0461 / 18 23 56 • Telefax: 0461 / 9 78 73 34
Mail: info@wiedenroth-karikatur.de