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Demonstrationsrecht, Gewalt, Terror, Antifa, Krawall, Randale, Polizeischutz, Kosten, Ehrenfeld, Grossmoschee, Islam, Anti-Islamisierung, Kongress, Barmer Platz, Bundesverfassungsgericht, Karlsruhe, Eilantrag, Entscheidung, Demonstrationszug, Roncalliplatz, Verbot, Polizeikraefte, Mangel, Gewaltdrohung, Koeln, Schramma, Fritz, Oberbuergermeister, Beisicht, Markus, Pro Koeln, Uckermann, Joerg

  •  Politik-Karikatur vom 11. Mai 2009
  •  zum Thema: Demonstrationsrecht tot: Der linke Gassenpöbel entscheidet über das Recht, den Ort und die Kosten einer demokratischen Kundgebung.
  •  Bildunterschrift: Ein Eilantrag wird abgelehnt.
  • English description: Caption: Application for court injunction is being turned down. Balloon: A demonstration against islamization in front of Cologne Dome? A procession to mosque construction site? For that there are too less policemen in my proximity. -- On car three levels of jusidiction including the highest court in Germany, the Bundesverfassungsgericht, which confirmed the ban of arranging an anti-islamization congress on the Roncalliplatz in Cologne, whicht is in the vicinity of Cologne's most famous building, the dome. As a reason the court issued there were not enough policemen to protect the demonstrators and the public form expected attacks of ultra lefts. The demonstration therefore had to take place elsewhere in Cologne. That is the end of guaranteed right to demonstrate. The state's institutions obey to the pressure of radical and violent left-extremist groups when it comes to decision on where a demonstration may take place. About 5'600 policemen and -women were in service to prevent attacks against the participants of Pro Koeln party's convention against islamization. Due to massive police exclusion zones many persons willing to take part were not able to get through. So only some hundred persons gathered on Barmer Platz in Cologne while police was busy to keep aggressive opponents distant.
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