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New York, Manhattan, Praesidentenmaschine, Barack Obama, Tiefflug, F-16, Kampfflugzeug, unangekuendigt, Rundflug, Fotoaufnahmen, Filmaufnahmen, Air Force One, VC-25, Boeing, Panik, Rahm Emanuel, Stabschef, Weisses Haus, Louis Caldera

  •  Politik-Karikatur vom 28. April 2009
  •  zum Thema: US-Präsidentenmaschine sorgt für Panik in New York - Obamas Truppe unprofessionell.
  •  Bildunterschrift: Bunter Change-Nachmittag im Oval Office
  • English description: Balloon: Ha, they're running like hares! -- Yes, we can do better than Osama! Caption: Afternoon of Change and entertainment in Oval Office. On April 27th, 2009 one of the Boeing VC-25 airplanes used as Air Force One for president Barack Obama circled low-flying over Lower Manhattan. Population was terrified remembering the 9-11 attacks - nobody had an idea of the reasons for the flight manoeuvres of that big airplane, which was accompanied by two F-16 fighters. Only New York police authorities were informed about the intention of having a photo-op with the plane, but they did not share this knowledge, not even with Mayor Bloomberg. White House officials later apologized for this informational mishap.
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