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Aktuelle Karikaturen

USA, Karikatur, Schimpanse, New York Post, Sean Delonas, Cartoonist, Col Allan, Chefredakteur, editor-in-chief, Rassismus, Vorwurf, Unterstellung, George W. Bush, Doppelmoral, Doppelstandard, Heuchelei, Al Sharpton, Buergerrechtler

  •  Politik-Karikatur vom 23. Februar 2009
  •  zum Thema: Karikatureneklat auf amerikanisch: US-Bildtabus in der Obama-Ära
  •  Bildunterschrift: "... Obama und Schimpanse, das geht gar nicht, dafür werden Sie sich entschuldigen!"
  • English description: Picture taboos in Obama era. Uproar because of a caricature published in New York Post newspaper. It picks up the recent police shooting of a chimp in Connecticut and refers simultaneously to the assumed quality of Obama-administration's stimulus package which was signed in the same week. Although Obama's physiognomy cannot be identified at all in drawn chimp's face angry protestors claimed the chimp to be a symbol for Obama - the publishing of that caricature was therefore to be regarded as an act of racism against coloured people, according to protestors. Text on green picture: Back into bush 2001-2009. On yellow picture: Fancy new bushisms? 2001-2009. Spoken text man: No, cartoonist-colleague ... --- Caption: ... Obama and chimp, that won't work at all, you will apologize for that!
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